Pasta alla Norma

I know Jamie's recipe shows pieces of aubergine, but I cook them soft so they barely hold together. Once cooked, they get a sprinkle of toasted breacdcrumbs, maybe a tablespoon or so, then on with the rest of the recipe. Why? Just to provide a bit of body to the sauce and likely a traditional thing as it would have helped stretch the sauce and cheese back in the day.
We had a glass of 2006 Monte Antico Sangiovese/Merlot/Cabernet Sauvignon with our our dinner. I'd opened it to pair with pizza the night before and thought the acidity would compliment the pasta as well.
6 months (going on 7) already! He's growing (now happily slurping pureed bananas for breakfast and loves sweet potato for tea) but is still just around the 16lb mark. He wears various sizes depending on the brand and how they are measured (by age or weight). He'd be chuffed to get some Aussie apparel. He loves the fighting kangaroo his dad brought back from the Sydney Olympics.